Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Urban Falcons

When I first moved to central San Diego, I lived in a house that faced a canyon. One of the greatest pleasures I had was viewing the peregrine falcons that frequented the canyon. It so happens, that the falcons also love to hang out above the swimming pool at my current place. It's not as natural as the canyon setting, but it's still a thrill to spot these magnificent birds of prey. 
Two falcons, probably mates, visit nearly everyday. This afternoon, each one perched on a different pole, across the swimming pool from each other. It was a breezy afternoon; their feathers ruffled in the wind. This one was in the nearest corner. I stood somewhat under it to get this pic. 

I can usually tell when they are around before I even look. The reason is that they shriek and declare themselves. 

 Today, they preferred to give me their business end. They were on the lookout for mice or other edibles. I'm hoping that means the little critters they want for dinner are outside the perimeter of my property. At any rate, I'm glad these guys are around to control the rodents. We had plenty of problems with mice about six months ago.
 This one was quite a distance away, preening.

See that electricity pole beyond the fence, at the top of the photo? That is where the preening falcon was perched. Just to give you an idea of the distance involved.

Anytime I try digital zoom to go beyond the 18X optical zoom, the results are fuzzy.

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