Well, I'm not entirely sure if it's a moth or a butterfly, but this orange darling has been spending a great deal of time appreciating the blooming plumeria tree. I also spotted the largest lizard I've ever seen in my life near where the hose is connected to the faucet. It was about a foot long, and bright black, with white zig-zag markings. It was about the thickness of two of my thumbs. For a second, I thought I was looking at a snake, but then it moved, and I saw what it was. I was too awestruck to run inside to fetch my camera, and when I looked for it later, I could not find it.
It's been a busy few days at the homestead, with lots of chores still to be finished before vacation is done.
A dried up old palm frond fell a few days ago during the night. I chopped it up into three or four pieces and threw it into the trash bin today.
The bees, too, are out in full swing. Their preference is the lavender bush. The terrier can spend hours trying to catch one in her snapping jaws, but all she really accomplishes is making a few bees angry. I leave the scene when they are in a bad mood.
A mockingbird visited yesterday and watched while I started clearing the pool area for prep work.
I am hesitant to use topical poisonous flea control on the dogs, so I've been trying natural ways to control them. I sprayed a mixture of eucalyptus oil and water all over the yard, then followed up a few days later with ample spraying of Dr. Bronner's eucalyptus oil soap mixed with water. I haven't gotten rid of all of the fleas yet, but I know I've dealt a terrific blow. Plus, I no longer see any hopping gnats.
Hmmm. . . yes. . . I think I'll continue with this. Another easy victory was spraying the interior of the house with a white vinegar mix. Worked like magic, got rid of a problem area with ants, and has cleared the way. I sprayed the entire interior perimeter as a preventative measure. Works great!
I spent three hours this morning power washing the saltillo tiles. Pretty clean except for right along the planter boxes. Dirt keeps flowing out from under the boxes, so I will have to clean that section with a broom and then a damp cloth tomorrow, before I apply grout to areas where it has deteriorated. I'm happy to find that most of the present grout is still in good condition. I'm not going to mess with it. The spirit is willing, but my back is already complaining. The next two days will be a challenge, but I will be so pleased once this chore is done. Yoga and stretching will be how I survive!