My last afternoon at camp had a nice cool breeze, so I went on a second hike to see what I could see.
Outside my cabin, these beautiful wildflowers offer a splash of red.
No lawn to mow here!
I tried a different trail. This one was tougher. My Keens got soaked through as I tromped through a mini-swamp to get to continue along the trail.
This trail has many twists and turns, and necessitates a steady uphill climb.
I continued for another 45 minutes, but the heat was starting to get to me. Plus, I had to be sure to appear in time for my afternoon duties.
View of the camp from my trail.
The view through this tree reminds me of some kind of fantasy children's story, like The Hobbit.
I half expected a gnome-like creature to appear.
Mountain wildflowers.